Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Chapter I: You, Me, and Mako Reactors

Well, here we go...
(By the way before we really get started, I wanna apologize that all the images are cut off. Someday I'll try to fix this, but for now, just click on them and you can see the whole thing.)

1997? Can you believe it? Eleven whole years. When are they gonna remake this? Come on Square...come one Square-Enix..squeenix...

Alright then, lets get right into the game. We spend the first few seconds, although it feels like MINUTES, looking at some stars while some strange humming noise emanates from the background. What does it mean? Telescopes? Spaceships? Gentle snoring? Maybe I'll tell you later. There are some shooting stars bopping around if you look closely, and everybody likes those.

Soon the stars turn green and we see the first HOT GRAPHICS this game has to offer (also, remember this picture. It's kind of important):

This friendly face is Aeris (NOT Aeirth, because that sounds dumb) Gainsborough. More on her later.

Man, people have such awesome hair in FF7. And they pull it off too. Think about seeing someone on the street with hair like that. All you'd be thinking is, "Jeeze, gel much?" but here it just looks completely natural, so natural nobody second guesses it, and THAT, dear readers, is the mark of good style. More on hair later too.

We zoom away from Aeris and fly up into into the sky, revealing the type of neighboorhood she hangs out in. I gotta say, it looks like a pretty kickin' place:

First of all, you got that Goblins Bar place in full swing with a couple of people jammin' and conversin' in the windows. All the patrons there probably came out of a showing of that Loveless production playing right across the street. That play is supposed to be important to the story..maybe. I remember there being some connections or something. I bet it's awesome reguardless. Don't you wish you could watch it? Maybe you can....or maybe not..but dot dot.

So yeah, I bet you wish you could be all up in this town, right? WRONG.

This is Midgar people, and this city equals pollution. That's a big theme in this game, pollution is. Just like it is in the real world. Man, this game is so relevant. I LOVE it. But yeah, this is Midgar, and the city is big. We're gonna be exploring it for a while, so get used to dingy skies and dirty air.

After this brief look at this big city we dive back into a different, more industrial looking part of town where a speeding train has pulled up to a very official looking station. And then...

Oh no! Beat down time! Rebellious looking and acting folks leap from the train and take out the guards.What is going on, people?! Suddenly, another figure leaps from the train (with great style too):

THIS guy has the best hair, and he should, because he's our hero. His name is

and he is a sassy guy. Tons of sass. He's got an AB blood type, is 21 years old and comes to a height of 5' 7". Thats what his o-fficial profile says, for those who are into stats and all that. Heres a little bit about his past, as told by Biggs, the dude with the read headband:

So what does that mean to you right now? Not much, but I'll sum it up for you. SOLDIER is a group of tough dudes who work for the people who run the city, and AVALANCHE is that group our hero Cloud is committing crimes with right now. Oh, and those other people are Jessie (the one in the blue who gave that awesome kick earlier) and Wedge (the fat one in the red hat). Cloud doesnt care about them though. Like I said, a lot of sass. Also, this is Cloud when you enter a battle:

I said there were gonna be big swords in this, did I not?

Also, at this time we get our introduction to our second main character, the leader of this AVALANCHE group: Barret Wallace.

Barret is 35 years old, has an O blood type, stands at a towering 6' 5", reminds me a lot of Mr. T, and apparently doesnt trust Cloud very much. This is what he looks like in battle:

Pretty solid dude. Lets follow him into that strange building and find out just what is going on, shall we?

A little ways in Wedge informs us what we're doing here, and it is SHOCKING ladies and gentlemen..

..simply shocking. Looks like AVALANCHE is a group of terrorists. I told you this game was relevant.

We go into the "furnace" which is actually a Mako Reactor, and Barret tells us the reasons behind this explosion they're all planning. It seems these Mako reactors are sucking up the very lifeblood of the planet away to power the huge city of Midgar. Bad news for the planet. Barret and his group of eco-terrorists are gonna do something about it. Cloud doesnt care much though, he just wants to get paid.

We then travel deeper into the reactor, and enter this elevator, which I HATE:

Lemme tell ya guys, I've been in this elevator a LOT and I can never "Push that button over there!" on the first try. You have to be in this secret exact spot to push it. Also, there are a LOT of buttons in the direction youre pointing, Jessie. Maybe next time be a little clearer on which one I need to push.

During this elevator ride Barret once again stresses the dire situation the planet is is, and Cloud once again stresses that he dont care 'bout it:

Oh, Cloud, when will you learn that a dying planet is everyone's problem. Also, global warming, guys.

Soon after the emotionally charged elevator ride, our team of hero/terrorists steps into the core of the reactor where we find lots of ladders, a potion (sweet!) and our very first save point, which is where this post comes to a close.

Next time I promise a very exciting conclusion to our adventure into the Mako reactor involving our very first boss fight, a limit break or two, slum drunks and rotting pizzas. I'm pretty excited, and I hope you guys are too.

See you all then!

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